Zen Cart Admin Warning an Error Occurred Please Refresh the Page and Try Again

v157 nab_transact payment module has php error when installing to fresh install of zencart

I'yard doing a fresh install of a zencart 1.5.7 , php version 7.0 and I've copied the files over for the NAB_transact payment module. I've used this module before for before versions of zencart; however this time the module is giving me the following PHP error.

PHP Parse error: syntax mistake, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';'
in "myadress"/includes/modules/payment/nab_transact_hpp.php on line 304

/myshop/admin/index.php?cmd=modules&set up=payment, IP address: my ip
--> PHP Parse error: syntax mistake, unexpected '[', expecting ',' or ';' in "myaddress/includes/modules/payment/nab_transact_hpp.php on line 304.

I recollect line 304 is this.
global $$order_totals[$i]['code'];

Not knowing much about PHP I need some ane to tell me what this line should exist. In the by I was using PHP5.6 so I expect its got something to practise with changes in the PHP version.

v157 Cannot Access Whatever Links on Admin > Configuration Menu

Zen Cart v1.five.seven
PHP v7.three
MySQL 5.five.62-38.14
Website URL: https://birddogsnguns.com

Howdy! I accept successfully moved zen cart from one server to a different server (in a unlike hosting account). I can encounter the website and get through the checkout process, and then all looks well there.

I tin can login to the admin console and access everything EXCEPT the Configuration Bill of fare .

I made a error during the move that is probably causing the trouble. Beneath is a clarification of that error and what I take done and then far to effort to fix it.


Afterwards the move, I forgot to delete the Former admin folder (the one zen cart created during installation).

This binder contains the exact same configuration files equally the NEW admin folder (which is as it should exist).

I accidentally logged into the Quondam admin dashboard and put the website down for maintenance.
I realized my error and then logged into the correct, NEW admin dashboard.
That is when I discovered that I cannot admission annihilation under the Configuration Bill of fare.

In the concurrently, the website was showing as "downwardly for maintenance" (remember, both admin folders are connected to the same database).

Steps I've Taken to Correct

  • I deleted the OLD admin binder and checked to be sure everything was still okay on the storefront and that I could even so login to the NEW admin dashboard. Both were fine; however, I even so could non access the Configuration Menu.
  • I re-uploaded all the files for the NEW admin binder again (making sure I was using the right config files in includes and in admin/includes). Still unable to access the Configuration Carte.
  • I logged into PHPMyAdmin and dropped all the tables in the database and so imported the database over again. Still unable to admission the Configuration Carte.

Somewhere while doing the higher up steps, the website no longer shows as being "down for maintenance" (I did not brand a note of which step).

I was able to add together a new product and complete the checkout procedure. I clicked on random links under each of the Primary Menu headings in the admin dashboard and was able to visit those pages. I just cannot access anything under the Configuration Card. Clicking that link does nothing - you lot remain on the admin dashboard home page.

I restarted my figurer and checked everything again. Aforementioned results.

I do not know what else to check or what other steps to endeavour to resolve this problem.

I would appreciate whatsoever suggestions that would head me in the right direction.

v157 Attribute file upload issues?

In Zen Cart 1.5.vii, a file uploaded with an social club as an attribute is attainable via the admin. Very prissy addition!!

But if the file uploaded contains a period in the file name, it cannot exist downloaded. The file exists on the server so is uploaded properly.

To 'fix' this, I edited /ADMIN/includes/functions/full general.php line 3847
It was:
return $filenum . "." . $filetype;

it is at present:
return $filenum . "." . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

v156 products are non always being sold at the aforementioned toll

Site has had problems in the past but upgrading to 1.5.half dozen cured the only remaining result we knew of but all of these orders occurred since the upgrade to 1.5.6. PHP 7.3.22 (upgraded on new folders, completely default files). Database had had alterations in the past but looks to be dang close to where information technology's supposed to be.

This is one bizarre thing where a product sells at a different toll at different times. Set cost for this one product is 137 with attributes, some of which cost extra. This has happened at least v times over the final 4 months. If an aspect that costs 40 is added, the concluding price is 47.81 instead of the 182. If no attributes added that have additional cost, the final cost is 50.81. One guild had an attribute of 200 merely final price was 230 when base cost was a little lower at 126 where the final cost should be 326.

But orders exist for the total, right corporeality too, with or without extra cost attributes.

The products sold table says toll 137.95 and final price 47.81, etc.

This was the product the possessor noticed - that does not hateful in that location aren't others.

Customers have no discounts, in that location are no group discounts. No sales info, special pricing. No mods that bear upon pricing or cadre file changes. Template is standard one I always apply and only has a few alterations in checkout for display only.

Customers from different countries using dissimilar payment methods.

I simply don't see whatever trend here. Anyone got a guess?

v157 Alter Qty value from '0'

This isn't a bug, it'due south a 'how to' question.

I thought this would be pretty straightforward, notwithstanding I've been futzing around with the production price settings and can't effigy this one out. And, I haven't been able to discover a thread with a similar question.

Please look at the attached pdf. I just want to change the value from zippo to 25. Where/how do I do that?

Server Os: Linux 3.12.18-clouder0
HTTP Server: Apache/two.4.39 (Unix) mod_hive/6.27 OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_fastcgi/2.4.vi
PHP Version: 7.4.4 (Zend: three.4.0)
Database Engine: MySQL 5.6.36-82.ane-log

Thanks in advance,

CistronName:  Quantity-to-25.jpg  Views: 3  Size:  51.4 KB

Attached Images

v157 Mistake on Admin page

When I copied the files from v157 exam site to my electric current site, I got the following fault on the admin page (it does not announced on the admin folio for the exam site):

Alarm: An Error occurred, delight refresh the folio and endeavour once again.If you lot were entering information, printing the Dorsum push button in your browser and re-bank check the information y'all had entered to be sure you left no bare fields.

A check of the fault log gives:

[24-Sep-2020 xiii:18:43 America/Boise] Request URI: /admin/, IP address: l.49.199.232
#1 trigger_error() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:170]
#two queryFactory->show_error() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:142]
#3 queryFactory->set_error() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:269]
#4 queryFactory->Execute() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php:132]
#5 WhosOnline->retrieve() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php:213]
#6 WhosOnline->getStats() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/modules/dashboard_widgets/WhosOnlineDashboardWidget.php:15]
#7 include(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/modules/dashboard_widgets/WhosOnlineDashboardWidget.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index_dashboard.php:62]
#eight require(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index_dashboard.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/home.php:25]
#9 crave(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/home.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index.php:11]
--> PHP Fatal mistake: 1267:Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' :: SELECT customer_id, full_name, ip_address, time_entry, time_last_click, last_page_url, session_id, host_address, user_agent, southward.value equally session_data
FROM zen_whos_online w
LEFT OUTER JOIN zen_sessions s ON (s.sesskey = due west.session_id)
WHERE ip_address != '' AND ip_address Non IN ('your','IP','(ADMIN)','184.nine.94.48','184.12.51.ix','',' 2')
ORDER Past time_entry, LPAD(ip_address,11,'0') ==> (as called by) /home1/pazdarwi/public_html/kkdt/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php on line 132 <== in /home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 170.

Please notation my admin site has a dissimilar name, I just inverse in the fault message for security.

It is currently being run with: PHP Version: 5.6.forty (Zend: 2.half-dozen.0). This will exist changed former in the adjacent week or two.

v157 Fatal fault: 1267:Illegal mix of collations

When I copied the files from v157 test site to my current site, I got the following error on the admin page (it does not appear on the admin page for the test site):

Alarm: An Fault occurred, please refresh the page and attempt once again.If yous were entering data, printing the BACK button in your browser and re-bank check the information you had entered to be sure you left no bare fields.

A check of the error log gives:

[24-Sep-2020 13:18:43 America/Boise] Request URI: /admin/, IP address:
#one trigger_error() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:170]
#2 queryFactory->show_error() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:142]
#3 queryFactory->set_error() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php:269]
#iv queryFactory->Execute() chosen at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php:132]
#5 WhosOnline->retrieve() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php:213]
#6 WhosOnline->getStats() called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/modules/dashboard_widgets/WhosOnlineDashboardWidget.php:fifteen]
#vii include(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/includes/modules/dashboard_widgets/WhosOnlineDashboardWidget.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index_dashboard.php:62]
#eight crave(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index_dashboard.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/dwelling.php:25]
#ix require(/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/home.php) called at [/home1/pazdarwi/public_html/admin/index.php:11]
--> PHP Fatal error: 1267:Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' :: SELECT customer_id, full_name, ip_address, time_entry, time_last_click, last_page_url, session_id, host_address, user_agent, southward.value as session_data
FROM zen_whos_online due west
LEFT OUTER JOIN zen_sessions s ON (due south.sesskey = west.session_id)
WHERE ip_address != '' AND ip_address NOT IN ('your','IP','(ADMIN)','184.ix.94.48','','',' ii')
Guild BY time_entry, LPAD(ip_address,11,'0') ==> (every bit called by) /home1/pazdarwi/public_html/kkdt/includes/classes/WhosOnline.php on line 132 <== in /home1/pazdarwi/public_html/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 170.

Please notation my admin site has a different name, I merely changed in the fault bulletin for security.

It is currently being run with: PHP Version: 5.six.40 (Zend: 2.half-dozen.0). This will be changed erstwhile in the next calendar week or two.

v156 Popular-Up Invitation on Domicile Page


The owner of our site (canemasters.com) mentioned going on a site that employed a pop-up invitation on the abode page for a telephone call to action (like bring together our group, create an business relationship etc.) and receive a premium; the company tin can also opt to bypass the pop-up and continue to the home folio. Is there a Zencart plug in that offers this characteristic?



v157 Aspect file upload bug if too many periods in filename?

In Zen Cart 1.5.seven, a file uploaded with an club as an attribute is accessible via the admin. Very nice addition!!

But if the file uploaded contains a menses in the file proper name, it cannot be downloaded. The file exists on the server then is uploaded properly.

To 'set' this, I edited /ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php line 3847
It was:
render $filenum . "." . $filetype;

it is now:
return $filenum . "." . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

v157 Categories/Products missing in admin area

I upgraded a site from v1.v.5 to 5 1.5.vii
The trouble I take is the Categories/Products tab is missing from the Catalog drop down menu in the admin panel.

Click image for larger version.     Name:	admin_missing_tab.jpg   Views:	21   Size:	11.8 KB   ID:	19217

I believe all the related files are on the server.
Categories and Products show up in the store and configuration settings/groups are in the database.

At that place is no error log for this outcome either.

Scratching my caput - needing some help. :wacko:

Fastened Images

v151 Storing images on a different server to Zen-cart plan


Is information technology possible to brand a configuration alter and then that all new images added to the database are stored on a different server.?

Zen-cart currently runs on digi-books.org.united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland merely we are migrating to an unlimited host at digi-books.org.

So what I am asking is when we add an author or a volume cover tin can that be stored on the latter server automatically?

Thanks in advance

v151 Storing images on a different server?


Is information technology possible to make a configuration change and so that all new images added to the database are stored on a dissimilar server.?

My zen-cart currently runs on digi-books.org.u.k. only nosotros are migrating to an unlimited host at digi-books.org.

And then what I am asking is when we add an author or a book cover can that be stored on the latter server automatically?

Thanks in advance

v156 No upgrade offered on zc157 upgrade

UPDATE: Never mind, I didn't copy over the proper configure.php files.

Attached Images

v157 Fatal error: 1146:Table plugin_control' doesn't exist

Practiced evening.
Information technology's been a while.

I'chiliad doing a fresh install of 1.5.vii on WAMP and using the existing database from 1.5.five.d. I did a clean install to ensure it installed as expected (it did). I then dropped the DB and imported a copy of the ane.5.5 site DB. I ran the zc_install/index.php over again expecting the choice to 'upgrade' the DB. No luck unfortunately.
I'1000 receiving 'Alarm: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and endeavor again.' on the page and the following error log. Is there a SQL query to add together the required PluginManager to the database possibly?

HTML Code:

#1  trigger_error() called at [C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\db\mysql\query_factory.php:170]
#2  queryFactory->show_error() chosen at [C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\db\mysql\query_factory.php:142]
#3  queryFactory->set_error() called at [C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\db\mysql\query_factory.php:226]
#4  queryFactory->Execute() chosen at [C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\PluginManager.php:29]
#5  Zencart\PluginManager\PluginManager->getInstalledPlugins() called at [C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\application_top.php:189]
#6  crave(C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\application_top.php) called at [C:\wampsites\zencart\alphabetize.php:25]
--> PHP Fatal error: 1146:Table 'zencart157.plugin_control' doesn't be :: SELECT * FROM plugin_control WHERE status = 1 ==> (every bit called by) C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\PluginManager.php on line 29 <== in C:\wampsites\zencart\includes\classes\db\mysql\query_factory.php on line 170.

v155 Couple of issues affecting page load speed

v1.5.5f westminster_new template

i. Google Lighthouse is suggesting DOCTYPE is causing bug - (likely because information technology is not HTML5 ?? - is upgrading the only mode to resolve this?).

HTML Code:

Browser Compatibility
Page lacks the HTML doctype, thus triggering quirks-modeExpected publicId to be an empty cord
Specifying a doctype prevents the browser from switching to quirks-way

This is my DOCTYPE: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML one.0 Transitional//EN" "http://world wide web.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>

2. Can I simply change this to 'yeah' without affecting the site?;

HTML Code:

Best practicesThese items highlight common accessibility best practices.
[user-scalable="no"] is used in the <meta proper noun="viewport"> element or the [maximum-scale] aspect is less than five.
Disabling zooming is problematic for users with depression vision who rely on screen magnification to properly run into the contents of a spider web page. Larn more.
Failing Elements
<meta proper name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=ane.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=ane.0, user-scalable=no">

3. Can this javascript exist upgraded to a newer version? (or does this require a ZC version upgrade?);

HTML Code:

Trust and Safety
Includes forepart-finish JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities 4 vulnerabilities detected
Some third-political party scripts may incorporate known security vulnerabilities that are easily identified and exploited by attackers. Learn more.
Library Version: jQuery@one.11.1
Vulnerability Count: iv
Highest Severity: Medium

4. Avert document.write()
For users on slow connections, external scripts dynamically injected via `document.write()` tin can delay page load by tens of seconds. Larn more.
URL Location: https://world wide web.dazzlerscliponearrings.com.au
line: 32

HTML Lawmaking:

<script type="text/javascript">window.jQuery || document.write(unescape('%3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.ane.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'));</script>
<script type="text/javascript">window.jQuery || document.write(unescape('%3Cscript type="text/javascript" src="includes/templates/westminster_new/jscript/jquery.min.js"%3E%3C/script%3E'));</sc


PHP Version

i accept to upgrade my version of PHP on my server hosting the zen cart. What is the latest version of PHP I tin can become to and the latest version of zencart will work?

v157 SitemapXML v4 [Support thread]

uploading shortly a new update for Site Map XML to version four for ZC1.5.7 if accepted, should show up on information technology's ain. If you are interested in helping out, got some ideas or just want something to play with, GitHub location.

I withal have some things I want to play with, but for at present as is information technology's working equally before on ZC1.five.7 and PHP7.4 with allot easier install. A number of files was inverse or deleted, thus I would non suggest this as a easy update, but a new install.

v155 Third PArty Redirect + Chrome 84

Hi All,

for my credit card payments I'thou using a third-political party redirect payment gateway.

I've been noticing sometimes that the customers carte gets charged, only when they are redirected, their session ends and information technology doesn't complete the order.

Looking at my access logs I've noticed ane consistent pattern, it e'er seems to be Chrome 84.

Has anyone else seen this outcome? Thanks.

v155 customers getting error:email and password non recognized.

www.itsaquiltthing.com version 1.v.5d. original installation ane.3.7 upgraded by webmaster. php vii.0.33

Mistake started happening a couple o of days ago...multiple customers (mayhap all?) webmaster suggested they articulate enshroud and cookies, and reset password...did all that...still getting error...

Most customers non able to log in. A couple who got logged in tried putting things in their cart, simply to have it testify zip items in cart. I use zencart, only don't know a lot about it (that'due south why I take a webmaster!) Webmaster doesn't see it every bit a zencart effect, but with information technology happening with multiple customers in the Us, outside the United states of america...ideas/suggestions anyone?

v157 Had to Clean Install v157 now tin can't get my Database to work

Version v157

How-do-you-do I recently was adding an addon to my v156 Shop, and messed upwards somewhere so that I couldn't access my Admin. I had made a backup of both the site and the database before doing so. When I went back to re-install from my backups nothing fixed the issue.

Since it was an older version I decided to do a Clean Install of v157. I used the original database with all my product (at that place'southward a lot with a lot of attributes) and customers. When completing the install, in that location is absolutely Nothing in my Shop anymore.

I tried importing the backup of the database previously used in MySql, but it gives me this mistake:


SQL query:

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Tabular array construction for table `address_book`

CREATE TABLE `address_book` (
`address_book_id` int(eleven) Not NULL,
`customers_id` int(xi) Non Zero DEFAULT '0',
`entry_gender` char(1) Non Nix DEFAULT '',
`entry_company` varchar(64) DEFAULT Zilch,
`entry_firstname` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`entry_lastname` varchar(32) Not Zip DEFAULT '',
`entry_street_address` varchar(64) Non NULL DEFAULT '',
`entry_suburb` varchar(32) DEFAULT Cipher,
`entry_postcode` varchar(10) NOT Nil DEFAULT '',
`entry_city` varchar(32) Not NULL DEFAULT '',
`entry_state` varchar(32) DEFAULT Naught,
`entry_country_id` int(eleven) NOT Cipher DEFAULT '0',
`entry_zone_id` int(11) NOT Naught DEFAULT '0'
MySQL said: Documentation

#1050 - Table 'address_book' already exists

Is there any hope that I don't have to completely redo ALL of my products from scratch?

I'm non besides worry about the customizations of the template itself... that I tin fix easily.


Source: https://uredo4.rssing.com/chan-3492245/all_p922.html

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